It depends. The original Converter design, back when it was the Interpreter 
half of the R/I, included detecting conflicting keywords. However, when IBM 
added quoted keywords, e.g., AMP='RECFM=FB', that fell to the wayside for those 
new parameters. For new unquoted keywords the checking is still in effect, 

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Paul Gilmartin []
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: How to use LISTDSI from Rexx under Unix shell?

On Sun, 9 Oct 2022 21:07:57 +0000, Farley, Peter x23353  wrote:
>>If it doesn't work it deserves an SR.  Can you Edit/View files so tagged with 
>IIRC I have to use the 3.17 Unix directory browser and a "/" to execute "View 
>ASCII/UTF8" or "Edit ASCII/UTF8", as I am unfamiliar with the 3.17 line 
>commands to do that (VA or EA maybe?  I really need to go look those up and 
>start using them), but yes, I CAN view or edit them when so tagged.
In my experience, a file tagged 819 or 1208 and FILEDATA is recognized and 
by ISPF; I needn't specify EA or VA.

>>>I originally did not think of using LRECL/RECFM overrides on the SYSEXEC 
>>>allocation because I thought they would be incompatible with the PATH 
>>I'd say you underestimate IBM, but I've had too much unpleasant experience 
>>overestimating IBM in such matters.  BTW, DCB=(LRECL,...) is incompatible 
>>with PATH.  WHY!?
>Good question, but probably not one to which we can get a straight answer.  At 
>a guess, old and crotchety JCL interpretation code that no one wants to touch 
>(if it ain't broke, don't fix it), while the "outside a DCB" keywords are 
>probably in newer OCO code that is "easier" (FSVO "easier") to maintain.
I suspect the JCL Converter has no ability to detect a conflict between one 
option and
a suboption of another option.

>>> IBM could provide better and more complete examples of accessing Unix
>>> files from a TSO or batch task
>+1    ...
>N t just HLASM SYSLIB, but also Binder SYSLIB and any/all HLL compiler 
>SYSLIB's, STEPLIB/JOBLIB, et alia: Basically, anywhere a Unix directory can 
>validly be used as a library.  Such usage probably warrants a sub-chapter of 
>its own, or at least a page or two somewhere prominent.
I believe Binder is exceptional.  It (necessarily) supported UNIX files in an 
intervel when
Allocation supported PATH but access methods didn't.  In consequence:

o Binder does not support non-trivial concatenations containing UNIX PATHs.

o Binder ignores FILEDATA and
  - treats SYSLIN as BINARY
  - treats SYSPRINT as TEXT.

I consider it indolent design that Binder does not issue a Warning if the 
codes a conflicting FILEDATA.  I've whined about that here and an IBM 
(Peter?) has said that if I supply invalid input I should not expect any 
behavior such as a message.  That's below the product quality I expect of IBM.

o Binder does not use BPAM, I believe in part because BLDL can't deal with
  UNIX filenames.

>Suggested (sub)chapter title: "Using Unix Directories as libraries".  JCL 
>Programmer's Guide perhaps, with sufficient examples to cover all the bases 
>for both TSO and batch execution.
>Actually, I don’t think I've even looked at the JCL Programmer's Guide in too 
>many years, so maybe I should go see what's there these days.
>>>   ... that show which DD keywords are compatible with Unix allocations, but 
>>> I won't hold my breath waiting for such to be created.  There may be some 
>>> table(s) somewhere (maybe in the JCL reference manual?) that show 
>>> compatibility, but it's my fault that I haven't looked for them yet.
>>There used to be such a matrix, in the JCL Ref., IIRC.  Perhaps it outgrew 
>>page size and IBM
>>simply dropped it in favor of scattered "Relationship to other parameters" 


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