MS Word is a great product for it's main use case. I don't consider it a good choice for technical documentation and neither does the Information Developer in my team. There are many better tools out there, some of which are free. Documentation in today's world can be published in many different formats. Text documents, HTML, PDF etc. Documentation should be considered code, which is why markdown is so popular. Documentation should go through the same development pipeline as source code with a pull request and a code review before being committed to a SCM and rendered into product artifacts. MS Word is useless for team collaboration. It's ok for a one person team but doesn't scale.

My team uses At the moment we only build HTML but there are packages to render a multitidue of different formats including PDF, word docs etc. Extensions are written in Typescript or Javascript so there is a massive eco-system to pull from.

On 27/12/22 00:54, Charles Mills wrote:
I have avoided replying on this thread. It is not my job to shill for Microsoft 
on a mainframe forum.

However, just to get the facts on the record, let me say that I have been 
composing very complex manuals with included text and generated TODs and 
indexes in MS-Word for years, and publishing them as PDFs, with 100% success.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Bob Bridges
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2022 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: Markup languages - more on the shortcomings of MS Word

Once we were done with Christmas morning, my son and his family took off for 
other Christmas venues and I spent most of the day downloading MiKTeX (an 
editor for LateX) and reading documentatino.  Finding the documentation was a 
bit of a chore and I'm not satisfied yet that I have everything I'll need, but 
the web eventually yielded up manuals whose titles, at least, claim they're 
about LaTeX, LaTeX2e, TeXWorks and MikTeX.  I have a lot of reading yet to do.

This morning I emailed the Word document to myself and tried saving it as PDF.  
Turns out Word is awful at that too.  It skipped over most of the ToC and 
jumped from there straight to the beginning of the second chapter, omitting the 
Intro.  I probably won't bother to see what else is wrong with it.

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