On 23/1/23 22:29, Paul Gorlinsky wrote:
C++ is an extension to C… staying current with Visual Studio releases will 
help. Microsoft has been making lots of enhancements trying to catch up to the 
current C/C++ standards.

I wouldn't use the full fat Visual Studio. Far better off using VS Code and the Windows port of clang. You will get IntelliSense and all the usual stuff that's useful + the clangd language server which will lint your code as you type.

I use the Windows Subsystem for Linux for all of my work bar Eclipse Plugins which I try and avoid anyway. All C/C++, Java, Python development is done using a Jetbrain's IDE connected to WSL using Linux binaries. IMO, using Windows to develop code to run on *nix systems isn't a very good idea now that WSL. PowerShell might be awesome for Windows weenies but I prefer the predictability of a UNIX shell like zsh or the venerable bash on old systems. It's remarkable how similar zCX containers are to WSL :)

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