In addition to copying SYSIN, as a previous poster suggested, there are other 

1. Let your REXX code call the application. As long as it doesn't need 
authorization or program control, that should work fine.

 2. Make SYSIN in the swecond step a backwards reference to SYSIN in the first 
step. I'm not sure whether that will work.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Gadi Ben-Avi []
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 7:44 AM
Subject: JCL Procedure help

I was asked to modify a procedure.
Currently, the procedure has one step.
This step receives input from SYSIN DD *

I was asked to add a step that would check that the JOB is running on the 
correct LPAR.
I wrote a small REXX program that check the LPAR, and returns condition code 8 
if it's not running on the correct LPAR.
I then added an if statement that will run the original step if the previous 
condition code is 0, and if not will issue a message.

The problem is that now the SYSIN DD is allocated to the first step.
I know I can code STEP.SYSIN to associate the SYSIN with correct step, but was 
wondering if there a way to code the procedure in a way so that I won't require 
changing the way the procedure is used.

We are running z/OS v2.3


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