W dniu 21.02.2023 o 01:23, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
In the JCL Ref. I read:
Chapter 19. INCLUDE statement
Purpose: Use the INCLUDE statement to:
• Identify the name of the member of a partitioned data set (PDS) or
partitioned data set extended (PDSE) that contains a set of JCL
statements (such as DD and OUTPUT JCL statements) called an
INCLUDE group.
And "INCLUDE group" is used throughout the remainder of the chapter.
Why doesn't it just say "member"? Is this a distinction without a difference,
or is there a nice difference I should understand?
Include group is some set of JCL statements, but it is NOT a JCL PROCEDURE.
However both can live in a PROCLIB.
- procedure can be in-stream, while include group cannot (it would make
no sense)
- the proclib can be system-defined or private, defined via JCLLIB
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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