Is that the one that imitated a therapist who asked questions that are
merely reflections of the last thing the user wrote?  "I hear you saying
you're angry at your mother.  Can you say why?"  "How did that make you
feel?"  Like that.  I encountered that in college and found it surprisingly

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster / And treat those two impostors
just the same...
  -from _If_ by Rudyard Kipling */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of
Seymour J Metz
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 17:33

...what is the threshold that we must cross before "AI" becomes a reality
rather than an aspiration? In the early days, we were 5 years away; in
retrospect, that was unduly optimistic.

On the flip side, does anybody remember the shockingly simple ELIZA
<>, which fooled many people?

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