In this context it does mean a connection does mean TCP connection.  So once 
the connection is made the source/destination address will stay the same.

One thing I did forget to mention is that the IP address the FTP jobs use can't 
be associated with a specific OSA, so they need to use a VIPA/DVIPA address.

Thinking about this a little more, you may need to do per packet.  With FTP 
there are 2 TCP connections, one for command/control and one for the actual 
data transfers.

If the FTP server you are sending to supports passive data transfers, then 
per-connection will work, but again depending on timing all 3 jobs could still 
go out over a single OSA. 

On Fri, 26 May 2023 16:00:41 -0500, Joel C. Ewing <> wrote:

>I suspect "connection" in this context means the opening of a TCP/IP
>socket, which establishes the path between ports on two nodes, and that
>all subsequent packets follow that established path.  That would 
>suggest that transmission of a single file by one FTP instance would
>still be constrained to the bandwidth of a single interface.  My
>understanding of load balancing is that it distributes aggregate load
>over multiple interfaces by spreading multiple transactions over
>multiple paths rather than spreading multiple packets for the same
>transaction over multiple paths--so alternate routes for packets of a
>single FTP transaction wouldn't be an issue.
>If your object is to make two 1 Gbps interfaces behave as one 2-Gbps
>interface for a single transaction, I believe that would be closer to
>what is called Ethernet bonding of interfaces.  I know Linux can support
>this if you also have an Ethernet switch that can support bonding (and
>that can support aggregate rates of 2Gbps).  I don't know if that is
>supported on z/OS.  My understanding is that this can allow packets
>associated with the same TCP/IP socket to follow different physical
>paths, but the unit of transmission is still a packet.  FTP transmitting
>a large file supports multiple packets in flight before having to
>receive a response back so it should be able to effectively utilize the
>aggregate bandwidth by spreading those packets over multiple
>interfaces.  If FTP is in an interaction where a single packet is sent
>and a response packet must be received before proceeding, you would
>still be constrained by the bandwidth of a single interface because each
>individual packet still travels over one physical interface.
>     JC Ewing
>On 5/26/23 10:33, Steve Thompson wrote:
>> I have a question about the alternating of packets.
>> If one is using an MFT product with encryption and hand-shakes, will
>> the alternating packets between routes not cause the "connection" and
>> data xfer(s) to fail?
>> I'm asking because I know just enough about Network traffic to be
>> truly dangerous -- which means I know how to specify an IP address and
>> port#, and not much more.
>> Steve Thompson
>> On 5/26/2023 11:25 AM, John S. Giltner, Jr. wrote:
>>> z/OS can do load balancing if you have mutiple equal cost routes
>>> defined, one route for each OSA and I think they could be the same
>>> route, something like:
>>>      BeginRoutes
>>>          route default =  OSA_INTERFACE1
>>>          route default =  OSA_INTERFACE2
>>>       ENDRoutes
>>> You could use either default, or code routes for specific
>>> hosts/subnets.  Using default will load balance all outbound traffic,
>>> coding more specific routes will just load blance the traffic for
>>> hosts matching those routes.
>>> You then add add one of the following statements to your IPCONFIG 
>>> statement.
>>> First one will have z/OS alternate which route it takes per TCP
>>> connection.  Connection request #1 get path/route #1, request #2 gets
>>> path/route #2.  Depending on timing all 3 jobs could still get sent
>>> out the same OSA, but you will be using both OSA's so it won't impact
>>> all traffic.
>>> Second one does the same thing, but per packet.  More overhead but
>>> both OSA's will be used "equally".
>>> No matter what you do, depending on your network setup either one of
>>> these or, as Keith suggested, defining a ROUTE via a specific
>>> Interface you could overload your network. If your whole
>>> infrastructure is 1 Gbps Ethernet, your z/OS system can now push ~2
>>> Gbps through the network.
>>> On Thu, 25 May 2023 19:37:10 +0100, Keith Gooding <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rex
>>>> Networking is not my speciality but you should be able to add a HOST
>>>> route - see the BEGINROUTES statement in IP Config Reference.
>>>> Something like this:
>>>> ROUTE windows server IP address.  HOST   =   OSA_INTERFACE2
>>>> where OSA_INTERFACE2 is the interface which you want to use.
>>>> This example assumes that the server is on the same subnet as the
>>>> adapter - change - to the router IP address if not.
>>>> No guarantees.
>>>> Keith Gooding
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On 25 May 2023, at 16:41, Pommier, Rex <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have a question about routing FTP traffic.  First a bit about the
>>>>> environment.  Z14-zr1 with (2) 1-GbE OSA adapters shared across 3
>>>>> LPARs.  The 2 adapters are not in a VIPA configuration.  Right now
>>>>> on this LPAR, only 1 of the adapters is defined to TCP/IP.  I can
>>>>> easily get the second OSA configured into TCP/IP on the LPAR so
>>>>> that's not an issue.
>>>>> The situation/question.  I have 3 jobs that run on the mainframe
>>>>> that all 3 initiate an FTP process to Windows servers.  Between the
>>>>> 3 jobs they are pushing between 1.5 and 2 terabytes to the
>>>>> servers.  The jobs are currently single threaded and from looking
>>>>> at the FTP output, they are pushing the Ethernet adapter that is in
>>>>> use at 100%.  My question is this: If I configure the second
>>>>> adapter, is there a way that I can force one of these jobs to use
>>>>> one of the OSA adapters and the other 2 to go to the second
>>>>> adapter?  From what I recall, z/OS doesn't do any kind of trunking
>>>>> or load balancing so setting up a VIPA won't improve throughput by
>>>>> using both adapters.   I've meandered through the IP configuration
>>>>> reference and see nothing that would give me this capability.
>>>>> TIA
>>>>> Rex
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