What version of bash are you using? Rocket software's port or IBM z/OS Open Tools?

Irrespective, bash is an enhanced ASCII application so make sure you have the following environment variables set in your profile login scripts by entering "env | sort" from the shell command line.


Incidentally, I noticed that IBM are shipping zsh as part of z/OS 3.1 so bye, bye bash.

I've being using zsh for years and it turbo charges the shell. For example, there are open source themes such as oh-my-zsh and powerline10k. The powerline customizes PS1 with fancy glyphs. The current Git branch, commits and other information is shown. It's next level to the dull one your using :). Also, there is zsh-autosuggestions which recalls previous commands for auto completion. oh-my-zsh also provides a plugin for git command completion and other super cool command completions that make using the shell as easy as an IDE.


To enable the cool glyphs you will need to install Nerd fonts and configure your terminal emulator. If you're a Windows user and using PuTTY I recommend switching to Windows Terminial (preferably with WSL2) which has tabs, tiled windows and is just miles better. If you're on a Mac like me it's easy to configure Termimal, iTerm2 or whatever emulator you use. Same with Linux desktops. On z/OS "export TERM=xterm-256color"

In the meantime, there is a port of powerline-go as part of the Z/OS Open Tools project. If you have downloaded the installer you can install it simply by running "zopen install powerlinegoport".

https://github.com/justjanne/powerline-go   # instructions how to configure it with bash

*Z Shell (Zsh) on z/OS*

The Z Shell (Zsh), specifically Zsh 5.8.1, has been ported and made available on z/OS 3.1. Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter that is used as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. It has command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features. With the extensibility, rich customization, and advanced features, Zsh provides a modern and powerful shell on z/OS. It is designed to accelerate users' daily work and have consistent behavior with other open platforms.

On 17/8/2023 11:31 pm, Tom Longfellow wrote:
I am confused and am throwing out a Hail Mary for help.   Here is the situation.
Two cloned LPARs.  (same sysres and unix root file systems)

On system 1 - the /etc/profile   has a PS1 of
     export PS1="[\\u@\\H \\W \\@]\\$ "

On system 2 - the /etc/profile  has a PS1 of
    export PS1="[\\u@\\H \\W \\@]\\$ "

Why YES they do look the same... at least they do to me.
The results however are very different.

On system one the displayed PS1 is
    [TECH905@jismvs_test ~ 11:26 AM]$

On system two the displayed PS1 is
   [\u@\H \W \@]$
I am using the same SHELL program in my environment.  (/usr/bin/bash)

Anybody have any ideas why the two different LPARs are reading the same string 
but interpreting it in two different ways?
My suspect is some dark secret settings in the Unix file system.   Total Guess

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