It proves nothing, so your your conclusion is wrong.  You just don't know where the assembler programmers are working.  We're working for the software vendors that most companies pay lots of money to because they don't want to hire their own assembler programmers.  Fine with me, except that through consolidation, there are only a handful of larger ISVs now, employing thousands of assembler programmers.  And since we're the old guys, we don't need no Assembler List.  We have our own internal experts to consult with if necessary.

I use my personal email for these lists because I don't want my comments to be identified with my employer.  Most Fortune 500 companies have one or another or a number of our software products.  Based on the support cases that I see, I get the idea that the product I work on is at every national bank in the world.  My job title is "Senior Software Engineer", probably because the term "Systems Programmer" has been mis-used for a number of decades.  Most MVS/et al "Systems Programmers" are SMP/E jockeys and/or systems administrators.  Back when I was an SMP/E jockey, I still wrote Assembler because there are so many system interfaces that can't be called from any HLL, at least not without jumping through ridiculous hoops.  I broke a rib laughing when I saw one product purportedly written in Metal/C, where most of the program was inline assembler.  But it made some manager happy to say that his new product was written in C.

The first IBM mainframe language that I learned was 360 assembler.  The second was PL/I.  Because of that order of experience, I strongly claim that all programmers should learn assembler first, even if for the rest of their careers they'll only be writing in the HLL de jure, because it's important to understand that certain HLL constructs generate crappy machine code.  I once had to fix a PL/I program that was the slowest in its category in the department.  I looked at the generated code and groaned.  I changed a couple of lines in the program.  Each of those 2 changes cut the CPU utilization of the program in half, making it use 1/4 of the CPU time as before my changes.  I would not have been able to do that without understanding the generated assembler.


Bill Johnson wrote on 9/1/2023 7:43 AM:
Which proves my point from a prior thread that coding and using assembler is 
almost nonexistent.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, September 1, 2023, 10:39 AM, Steve Thompson <> wrote:

Yes I have. It doesn't have a lot of traffic.

Steve Thompson

On 9/1/2023 10:28 AM, Robert Raicer wrote:
Hi folks;

It's been several months since I've received anything from
the IBM Assembler List Server.  The last I knew, the list server
e-mail address was:

Is this still correct?
Are any of you still getting e-mails from that list server?

Thanks for the help!

Bob Raicer


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