Peter Hannigan wrote:
>If the length of the prefix can be limited to seven characters then
>this can be used:
<followed by some of the most complex/clever JCL I've seen>

Wow. It took me 10+ minutes of staring at this to puzzle it out. Too clever by 
half for me (and that's not meant as an insult). 

After much discussion, we've concluded that nobody is going to load our stuff 
to the "root" on a real system, and if they do, then they're going to be an 
SMP/E jock already. So while I love this suggestion and will look at other ways 
to use it, I think I'm just going to put a comment in the common member that 
does the SETs saying "You can't have a null HLQ/RPREFIX". The other places 
where the HLQ gets substituted in would have the same problem (though, yes, I 
could be clever and set them with a trailing do, but that way lies madness).

I really appreciate all the help folks have provided with this. Our 
installation is now MUCH cleaner/simpler because the edits to the actual jobs 
comprise just:

1.      JOB card (doh)
2.      JCLLIB (right below the JOB card, so easy to find)
3.      Possibly SMS changes from UNIT= and VOL=SER=

I vaguely considered changing the last one to use a variation on your approach, 
Peter, but that would have to assume (as the default does) that all the data 
sets use the same values. Again, at that point, hopefully the customer is 
sophisticated enough to deal with it; can only hold their hands so far before 
it becomes ridiculous.

If folks think I'm being silly in any of these conclusions, I'd love to hear it!


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