On Sat, 11 Nov 2023 08:59:07 -0500, David S. <dlstaudac...@gmail.com> wrote:

>To help resolve a question posted to a LinkedIn group I manage:
>... I'd like to find out if there's any way to achieve *true*
>Skip-Sequential processing with a Fixed Block Sequential File with a fairly
>short record length (i.e. DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80)?
>For example: Begin sequential processing at record number 100, *without*
>having to read the first 99 records.

As another user mentioned, you can't really read portions of blocks, so 
whatever block contains record number 100 would need to be read, which might 
give you some extraneous data transfer.

The real issue is your RECFM=FB. With FBS it would be possible, as with FBS you 
know that all blocks up to the final one are the same size, and that would 
allow you to calculate the block you needed. But with FB you could have short 
blocks in the middle, making it impossible to calculate where record 100 is 

Another issue, I suppose, is what language you're writing in, as I believe only 
some access methods would allow you to position the file based on a block 


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