Not the question you asked, but...

sort_stem = 'index.'
call sort 6, ???    (see comments after code)

/* Sort sort_stem using combsort */
sort: procedure,
   expose (sort_stem)
   arg key_start, key_length
   size = value(sort_stem'0')
   gap  = size
   do until switches = 0 & gap = 1
      gap = gap % 1.3
         when gap =  0 then gap =  1
         when gap =  9 then gap = 11
         when gap = 10 then gap = 11
      switches = 0
      do i = 1 to (size - gap)
         j = i + gap
         if substr(value(sort_stem'i'), key_start, key_length) >,
            substr(value(sort_stem'j'), key_start, key_length) then do
            /* swap the entries */
            hold = value(sort_stem'i')                   /* hold   = stem.i */
            x = value(sort_stem'i', value(sort_stem'j')) /* stem.i = stem.j */
            x = value(sort_stem'j', hold)                /* stem.j = hold   */
            switches = switches + 1

The problem is that as written, the code expects the key_length to be the same 
across all elements of the stem. If yours are variable length then the code 
will need to be adjusted. Maybe in your case it would need to be comparing 
subwords instead of substr.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Charles Mills
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 6:10 PM
Subject: What am I doing wrong with BPXWUNIX sort?

I am trying to sort a Rexx "array" starting with the second "word" of the 
variables. My "array" is in Index.n and contains records of the form <nnnn some 
descriptive string> where nnnn is 0001, 0002, 0003, etc. and string is 2 to 5 
Rexx "words."

Here's my Rexx code:

  Say "Before sort" Index.0 Index.1 Index.2 Index.3
  stdout.0 = 0
  stderr.0 = 0
  Call BPXWUNIX "/bin/sort -k2",Index.,Index.,stderr.
  Do i = 1 to stderr.0
    Say "Sort error:" stderr.i
    End i
  Say "After  sort" Index.0 Index.1 Index.2 Index.3

And here is the output:

Before sort 8 0001 Main Check 0002 OMVS (FTP Session) 0003 C Validation
After  sort 8 0001 Main Check 0002 OMVS (FTP Session) 0003 C Validation

My expectation is that -k2 would have caused sort to sort on the "descriptive 
strings" (ignoring the nnnn) but obviously that is not what has happened. What 
am I doing wrong? (I have tried both -k2 and -k 2, and also -k1 and +1 -- all 
with the same results.)


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