This is exactly the problem Windows had in the early days: it's all well and 
good until you fall off the edge, out of the GUI envelope, and then all is 
lost. That doesn't make it necessarily a bad idea--I hear Windows has a *few* 
users--but it does mean that you need to be very, Very, VERY serious about 
developing the GUI *and* forcing applications to do the same. Good luck with 
the latter on z/OS.

ObAnecdote: Back in the mid-90s, the Relay/Gold terminal emulation product had 
a Windows version that was built on the core of the DOS version. It worked 
great, was Windows-ized--except for one error screen that came up when some 
sort of SDLC thing failed: it fell into DOS-land, and the only solution was to 
hit ENTER to continue. Since this was being used to automate a process for an 
insurance company, it was A Big Problem. Fixing it in the code was non-trivial; 
best solution I could come up with was a phone-enabled powerstrip* such that 
when it failed, someone could make a call and power-cycle the rack. They didn't 
much like that solution (neither did I, but it was better than nothing). Oddly, 
I forget how it was finally solved, given how long it went on and the number of 
site visits I made trying to deal with it. Maybe they changed to not use SDLC.

*My "drinking bird that hits Enter every few seconds" was also vetoed as 

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Tom 
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 11:52 AM
Subject: another z/OSMF rant. -- Catch-22 is killing me

The store is much longer than this post could cover.  I will keep it as brief 
as possible in an attempt to keep my blood pressure under control.

1.  Product install is STRONGLY recommending using z/OSMF Softtware Management 
to install.
2. I obey and get everything downloaded and start the installation workflow,.
3.  It's time to submit the jobs that actually do the work of building the SMP 
and product runlibes   
4.  z/OSMF fails to submit any jobs with a complaint about SSL...
5.  IBM support says the problem is a flaw in the JAVA that I installed last 
September (using z/OSMF of all things) 
6.  "old fashined" batch JCL was used to download that fix and all of his 
associated follow on maintenance (RSU2406).
7.  RSU2406 applied and system IPLed to get a fresh new start.
=========  Now the Catch-22  ================== 
+ z/OSFMF will not respond to its designated IP HTTPS port.   It is not even 
listening on that port.
+ Therefore I cannot even login to use the Diagnostic Assistant or even attempt 
to complete my insall.

Latest from IBM --- we think the z/OSMF error is related to this WLM error we 
see in the log.
Now the problem expands to another support team.
In the meantime I am out here hanging - unable to perform my job.

I have always said that GUIs are OK when they help.   But SOMEONE still has to 
know what to do to fix it when it's broke WITHOUT using the thing that just 
I contend that z/OSMF now needlessly surpasses the complexity and obscurity of 
the z/OS system.

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