It saddens me to see this devolve into an age related arguement.

My original thoughts were not of the "Get off my lawn" elderly guy variety. I 
was not making a "who moved my Cheese" argument.
 My thoughts were purely personal and functional.   I am paid to do a function, 
then forced to fail at that function.

There is an overwhelming trend in humans  that "Change is ALWAYS good" ---  The 
only truth is that "Change is ALWAYS change"

If a change comes along with a positive benefit, it will slowly supplant the 
predecessor.   Think Cro-magnon vs Neanderthal.    Both were functional beings, 
one became more successful in the competition for life.
Sooner or later reality sets in and a winner emerges.   z/OSMF is 'Forced 
Evolution" in my view.  

 As always, you are welcome to your view... Nothing makes my view special... 
Nor does it make my view meaningless because of my age.   [Who said you know my 
age -- I never said -- any assumptions are your own].   It is not like when you 
reach age X all of your opiniouns are locked together into a unified front.  
You may find rebel age Y people in full agreement with those age X folks.

For those who are concerned about the original problem.   The latest theory 
remains that JAVA JSSE and z/OSMF are not getting along and z/OSMF cannot 
create its internal KeyRing.

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