> the invocation asked to free location 0 for length of x'01000000' and that 
> properly got 378-1C.

I was following this guidance in the documentation:

If you specify R,LV=(0) you cannot specify the SP parameter. You must specify 
the subpool in register 0; the high-order byte must contain the subpool number 
and the low-order three bytes must contain the length unless you are requesting 
a subpool release. On a subpool release, the low-order three bytes must contain 

Aha! That guidance is specific to R and not to RU! When I code R, the code 
assembles as

105          FREEMAIN R,A=(1),LV=(0)                   
107+         LA    1,0(0,1)                          LOAD AREA ADDRESS  
108+         SVC   10                                ISSUE FREEMAIN SVC 

And the S378 (of course) goes away. (Not sure why that LA is in there. They 
don't trust me to get A=(1) right?)

The S378 problem unsurprisingly becomes a S0C4 problem, as I apparently have 
given away all of LE's storage. I started a separate thread for that. I guess 
the good news in there is that my subpool release must have worked 
spectacularly well. Thanks @Peter and @Jim for your help (as always).


On Sat, 31 Aug 2024 12:53:52 +0000, Peter Relson <rel...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>      FREEMAIN A=(1),LV=(0)
>  So it would seem that you actually most have done something like FREEMAIN 
> RU,A=(1),LV=(0)
>If Jim is right, then the invocation asked to free location 0 for length of 
>x'01000000' and that properly got 378-1C.
>That input matches the explanation for 378-1C.
>I hope there is no use of LE and C writeable static in this address space. 
>That uses subpool 1 and it would be unlikely to be a good idea to free the 
>whole subpool in such a case.

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