Okay, true confessions time: in more years of this than I care to admit I have 
never done a subpool FREEMAIN.

I am trying to free subpool 1.

R0 = x'01000000'
R1 = 0

I issue FREEMAIN A=(1),LV=(0)

I get ABEND S378 001C A user has requested that storage at virtual address 0 be 
freed. This can happen if the user intended an entire subpool, but has 
incorrectly specified a non-zero length with an address of 0.

In the trace I see SVC     78 00000000_1428E5DC  00000003 01000000 00000000 

What might I be doing wrong?

(Nothing oddball here: no AMODE 64, no AR mode. z/OS V2R4.)



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