That's not my suggestion. My suggestion is simply to list (and to link to)
all the previous migration documents within the current migration document.
Save the reader a step (or two) in hunting them down.

I don't know if the current migration document already does that but, if
not, it should. It'd be a very short chapter that looks something like

Chapter X: Upgrade to z/OS 2.1 from Operating System Releases Prior to z/OS

IBM does not support sharing z/OS 2.1 datasets and other operating system
elements with operating system releases prior to z/OS 1.12. Also, IBM may
no longer support your older operating system release. Customers migrating
from operating system releases prior to z/OS 1.12 must prepare and execute
a special migration plan to move to z/OS 2.1. To understand the migration
considerations applicable to upgrades to past releases, please review the
historical migration guides relevant to your circumstances. Here is a list
of historical operating system migration guides:

(Insert list/links here.)

You may wish to engage a specialist services organization or IBM to assist
in preparing and executing your special migration plan. Special migration
plans are broadly split into two types: stepwise migrations and single step
migrations. Stepwise migrations adhere to IBM's previously and currently
supported operating system coexistence combinations. For example, if you
are upgrading to z/OS 2.1 from z/OS 1.10, then a stepwise migration would
involve an initial upgrade from z/OS 1.10 to 1.12 followed by a second
upgrade from 1.12 to 1.21, in sequence. Single step migrations involve
skipping intermediate releases, migrating directly to z/OS 2.1 without
sharing datasets and other operating system elements between the old
release and z/OS 2.1. For perspective, most of the IT industry's operating
systems do not support release coexistence, so a single step migration is
broadly similar in nature to release upgrades among other operating
systems. Customers vary in how they weigh risk and cost factors as they
consider migration strategies, but generally costs tend to increase as the
number of migration steps increases.

To reiterate, IBM may no longer support your older operating system
release. Moreover, IBM never supported sharing datasets and other elements
between operating system releases unless IBM specifically published
coexistence guidance indicating otherwise. You and your services partner
(if applicable) should carefully understand, assess, and manage the risks
involved when preparing and executing your special migration plan.

That'd work!

Timothy Sipples
GMU VCT Architect Executive (Based in Singapore)
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