On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 23:16:17 +0000, Mark Yuhas wrote:

>Has anybody successfully FTPd the SCRT report in a batch job to a zFS file?  
>When I try it, I get a weird file.  When I use a Windows, the file transfers 
>without a problem.
People will want much more information:

o What are the attributes of the SCRT report?

o Was the zFS file accessed by the client or the server (and presumably
  the SCRT report vice-versa)?

o What were the specific FTP subcommands?

o Were the SCRT report and the zFS file on the same system?  If so,
  why not use IEBGENER?

o In the Windows instance, was Windows the client or the server?

o What were the specific FTP subcommands transferring to Windows?

o Can you be more specific about "weird"?

-- gil

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