Find out which routine is at 0438CBEC

On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:46:28 -0400 MichealButz <>

:>I made a break point right after CALLTSSR EP=IKJPARS
:>With BR R14 as the first instruction of the exit everything works
:>I also set the break point at the BR R14 in its normal place the last
:>instruction in the exit
:>That breakpoint is executed with no problem
:>And then breakpoint right after the CALLTSSR that's where I get the problem
:>IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT                                 
:> SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=0C4  REASON CODE=00000004            
:>  TIME=07.32.35  SEQ=00035  CPU=0000  ASID=003F              
:>  PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  078D0000   8438EA48  ILC 6  INTC 04  
:>    NO ACTIVE MODULE FOUND                                   
:>    NAME=UNKNOWN                                             
:>    DATA AT PSW  0438EA42 - D4021001  10014770  B1C29620     
:>    GR 0: 00054AD8   1: 00000000                             
:>       2: 00000000   3: 00000002                             
:>       4: 00054AD7   5: 00054AD8                             
:>       6: 008C0E31   7: 0438EA04                             
:>       8: 8438CBEC   9: 8438CB4E                             
:>       A: 0438F8F8   B: 8438E8FA                             
:>       C: 008C0E4F   D: 008C0770                             
:>       E: 00000001   F: 04391742                             
:>  END OF SYMPTOM DUMP                                        
:> Abend 0C4000 hex occurred processing command 'SPSWT   '.    
:>Here is the verify exit it's apf authorized program but at this point its
:>running in problem state  
:>I put a BR R14 right at the beginning of the exit and it worked ok I also
:>checked the values of the registers
:>On entry and exit and outside of R15 which is 0 they are the same
:>PROGLOOK DS  0H                                                         
:>         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)     STORE USER REGISTERS                 
:>         LR    R12,R15             R12 BASE AT THIS POINT               
:>         USING PROGLOOK,R12        ADDRESS EXIT                         
:>         USING VEPL,R1             PAramter list                        
:>         L     R2,VEPLPPE          Get PPE Entry                        
:>         USING PPE,R2              Address                              
:>         L     R3,VEPLWRKA         Get Work Area Address                
:>AA       USING PROGNAME,R3         Address it                           
:>         XR    R4,R4               Clear 4                              
:>         LH    R4,PPEOPLEN         Get Length                           
:>         BCTR  R4,0                No;                                  
:>         L     R5,PPEOPER          Get Operand                          
:>         EX    R4,MOVE_PROG        Get String pointer                   
:>         LA    R4,ADDR                                                  
:>*   Look If program is in core jpa/lpa                                  
:>          CSVQUERY INEPNAME=(R3),                                       X
:>                OUTEPA=AA.PROG_ADDR,                                    X
:>                SEARCH=JPALPA,MF=(E,CSV_LST)                             
:> *                                                                       
:>          LTR R15,15            Q . found Ok                             
:>          BZ  PROG_FOUND        Yes;                                     
:> *                                                                       
:> *  look in steplib task lib                                             
:> *                                                                       
:> *        LA   R1,7              Move 8 bytes                            
:>          MVC  NAME,0(R3)                                                
:> *                                                                       
:>          BLDL 0,LIST_ADDR                                               
:> *                                                                       
:>          LTR R15,R15            q. Prog Found                           
:>          BZ  PROG_FOUND         Set Good Return Code                    
:>NO_PROG  DS  0H                                                  
:>         LA  R15,4                                               
:>*        MVC VAL_MSG,=A(NOTFND)                                  
:>         B   PROG_RETURN                                         
:>PROG_FOUND DS  0H                                                
:>         LOAD DE=NAME                                            
:>         ST   R0,AA.PROG_ADDR   Store Address                    
:>GOOD_RC  DS  0H                                                  
:>         XR  R15,R15                                             
:>PROG_RETURN DS  0H                                               
:>         LM  R14,R12,12(R13)    Restore everyting except r15     
:>         XR   R15,15                                             
:>         BR  R14                 go back                         
:>-----Original Message-----
:>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
:>Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
:>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 10:50 AM
:>Subject: Re: 0C4 reason code 4 TSO command processor returning from verify
:>I think it would be helpful if you could post the Summary Dump from the
:>abend.  PSW and REGs
:>Also, is this an APF Authorized module?  Is it running from an APF
:>Authorized Library?  Is it marked RENT?
:>-----Original Message-----
:>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
:>Behalf Of MichealButz
:>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 7:36 AM
:>Subject: 0C4 reason code 4 TSO command processor returning from verify exit
:> I am getting S0C4 reason code 4 after I return from a TSO verify exit
:>Points to note 
:>.        I display all the registers on entry and they are the same on exit
:>with the exception of R15 which is 0
:>.        Since a S0C4/4 says you are trying to access storage which is in
:>different key that you are in, I did a LISTPSW  and I am in KEY 8 on entry
:>and exit
:>.        The documentation for the verify exit is very sparse it doesn't say
:>what registers are on entry and what they should be on exit
:>.        I am using CSVQUERY and BLDL in my exit both should run in the
:>environment I am in. I have AMODE=31,RMODE=ANY however I believe I was
:>loaded below the line.
:>Any help appreciated I can post the code if necessary
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Binyamin Dissen <>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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