It is the number of possible paths from an LPAR through connections
and directors to the device.
If you have 4 CHIPIDs assigned to an LPAR to a Director, then 8
connections to a second Director then 8 connections to a DASD unit you
have 4 * 8 * 8 paths and you are at your 256 path limit.

The LPAR could use any of the the CHIPIDs for an IO, the first
director could use any of the 8 connections to the second director,
and the second director could use any of the 8 connections to the

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 4:43 AM, R.S. <> wrote:
> ???
> Could you explain the limitation?
> Do you mean limit of logical paths per chpid? Caution: it depends on the
> controller, different limits can be in case of HDS Lightning and EMC DMX.
> Regarding switches - this is first time I heard the use of switches change
> the limit.
> In simple scenario, # of logical paths is # of LPARs attached to the CU port
> (in the DASD box, not in CPC) x # of LCUs:
> #LPs=#LPARs x  #LCUs
> Note: when using switches it is possible to attach more CPCs (and maybe more
> LPARs) to the CU port.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> W dniu 2014-01-02 01:19, Mike Schwab pisze:
>> The total number of paths must be kept at 256 or less.
>> With 2 cascading directors:
>> (LPAR <-> CNTRL1) * (CNTRL1 <-> CNTRL2) * (CNTRL2 -> DASD).
>> 4 * 8 * 8 would be 256.
>> With a single director 16 * 16 is possible but not usually needed.
>> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Dazzo, Matt <> wrote:
>>> We have a new IBM DS8870 that I have to define to the IODF. We are going
>>> to have (16) 2107 type LCU's controllers and about 3k total devices defined
>>> to those 16 LCU's. We also have 16 FICON channels available to use, I was
>>> thinking about defining 8 channels to each LCU.
>>> We currently have 4 channels defined to each LCU on our existing Shark
>>> device. We do not experience any IO delays or contention with this config.
>>> My experience in this area as you can tell is a little limited. As far as
>>> channels are concerned is the motto 'the more the merrier' apply here? Or
>>> should I follow the existing standard of 4 channels to each LCU?  Any
>>> standard to follow?
>>> Thanks Matt
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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