>I think of UNIX exec() as the closest thing to MVS XCTL. IMHO, no. exec() is equivalent to end of job step A and start of job step B. You cannot allocate memory before the exec() and pass it to the program invoked by exec(). You can, however, with XCTL.
>But UNIX processes are different; the parent can do the UNIX classic fork() >followed by exec() done by the new child, [snip] > >There is nothing like this in the case of MVS TCBs. Leaving local spawn()ed processes away and talking only about fork()/exec(). When comparing the UNIX fork()/exec() combination to MVS, I think more of address space A doing an ASCRE to start address space B. While fork() is a non-priviledged function, ASCRE needs authorization. But I was just comparing what it technically does. There is nothing like fork() in MVS regarding the "copy" part of fork(). -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN