We have an exit for DFSORT that scans TIOT to see if someone concatenated a 
DUMMY dataset as input.  Here is what I believe to be the relevant snippet of 

* FILES SPECIFIED FOR SORTIN.                                         * 
DDSCAN   DS    0H                                                       
         EXTRACT FW,'S',FIELDS=(TIOT),MF=(E,EXTRACTL)                   
         L     R5,FW                                                    
         USING IEFTIOT1,R5                                              
         MVC   DDNAME,=CL8'SORTIN' SET DEFAULT DDNAME                   
         TM    ILEXF2A,ILEXFCPY    Q. COPY APPLICATION ?                
         BZ    DDSRCH              A. NO, SEARCH FOR SORTIN             
         MVC   DDNAME,=CL8'SYSUT1' A. YES, SEARCH FOR SYSUT1            
DDSRCH   CLC   TIOEDDNM,DDNAME    Q. DDNAME MATCH                       
         BE    DDCON              A. YES, CHECK IT OUT                  
         SR    R0,R0              CLEAR REGISTER                        
         IC    R0,TIOELNGH        GET LENGTH OF THIS ENTRY              
         AR    R5,R0              BUMP TO NEXT ENTRY                    
         CLI   TIOELNGH,X'00'     Q. END OF TIOT ?                      
         BE    RETURN             A. YES, GET OUT                       
         B     DDSRCH             A. NO, KEEP LOOKING                   
DDCON    DS    0H                 CHECK FOR CONCATENATION         
*                                 IF NOT CONCATENATION, THEN SKIP 
         SR    R0,R0              CLEAR REGISTER                  
         IC    R0,TIOELNGH        GET LENGTH OF THIS ENTRY        
         AR    R5,R0              BUMP TO NEXT ENTRY              
         CLI   TIOELNGH,X'00'     Q. END OF TIOT ?                
         BE    RETURN             A. YES, GET OUT                 
         CLC   TIOEDDNM,=CL8' '   Q. SORTIN CONCATENATED?         
         BNE   RETURN             A. NO, FORGET IT                
         SR    R5,R0              A. YES, RESTORE DSECT POINTER   
*                                 CHECK FOR DUMMY DD STATEMENT    
*                                 NOTE: COULD ALSO BE DD *        
DDCHK    CLC   TIOEFSRT,=AL3(0)   Q. REAL UCB ADDRESS ?           
         BE    DDBAD              A. NO, BAD DD                   
         SR    R0,R0              CLEAR REGISTER                  
         IC    R0,TIOELNGH        GET LENGTH OF THIS ENTRY        
         AR    R5,R0              BUMP TO NEXT ENTRY              
         CLI   TIOELNGH,X'00'     Q. END OF TIOT ?                
         BE    RETURN             A. YES, GET OUT                 
         CLC   TIOEDDNM,=CL8' '   Q. SORTIN CONCATENATED?         
         BE    DDCHK              A. YES, CHECK AGAIN             
         B     RETURN                                             

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Micheal Butz
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:02 PM
Subject: Dummy dataset


Would anyone know if there is a way
For example scanning the TIOT
If a dataset has been dummied out


Sent from my iPhone

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