On Tue, 6 May 2014 13:14:50 -0500, Jon Butler wrote:

>I have a problem where I need to Edit/view source code to vet it for 
>compliance to corporate standards.  It may be COBOL, PL/I, etc.  I have the 
>following in one Exec
>ADDRESS ISPEXEC "VIEW DATASET ('"my_pdse_member"') MACRO(my_macro)  
>and in my_macro, where I do the vetting, I have the following 
>I've tried "NUMOFF" "BOUNDS = 1,80" but the problem remains that the first six 
>characters of the member I'm trying to edit are always blanked out.  I'm 
>guessing the VIEW/EDIT is using them to sequence its working dataset.  Not too 
>bad for COBOL source, but a bummer for PL/I or assembler.  
>Any advice as to how I can get all 80 bytes of the source code?
Is it possible that you have a default PROFILE or initial MACRO that's
stepping on your code?

You might be able to turn much of this off by allocating ISPPROF to an
empty data set.

ISPF-L might be a better resource than IBM-MAIN for such questions.

-- gil

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