I agree with your curiosity. I have never tried to "clone" a zFS using
REPRO, but have copied other VSAM LINEAR data sets (SMS ACDS, SCDS) with no
problems. But I didn't change them from non-EF to EF at the same time.
Perhaps an EF LINEAR data sets is not identical to a non-EF LINEAR data set
in some way. Or perhaps the UNIX formatting thereof is different. Hum, that
sounds like a possibility. A non-EF zFS is _known_ to not be >4Gib, and so
some internal structures might be unsigned 32 bit whereas in a EF zFS, they
need to be 64 bit. Just a SWAG on my part. Perhaps Bill Schoen will put in
a good, and definitive, word on this.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:34 PM, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl>

> W dniu 2014-06-17 21:18, Tom Marchant pisze:
>  On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:51:42 +0200, Peter Hunkeler wrote:
>>  I can't answer your question. Especially since I don't know what "various
>>> ways" that you tried.
>>> My intent really only was to make sure I'm not missing a DFDSS option
>>> that would do this.
>>> I didn't find anything the like in the manual. That's why I didn't post
>>> details.
>> Yeah, but when you post that you have tried "various ways", without
>> telling us what ways
>> you tried, you reduce the chances that someone will be able to help you.
>> If you had specified
>> that you tried A, B, C and D and I believe that E will work, I would
>> suggest that you try E.
>> When you don't tell us what you tried, I am far less likely to post a
>> guess.
> Agreed (and itisn't an attack against the OP).
> Regarding original problem- I see two interesting issues:
> 1. What's magic inside zFS which makes the CI-level copy unusable?
> Extended format adds some suffix to physical blocks, but Control Intervals
> should remain unchanged by EF.
> 2. Why DFSMSdss didn't copied no-EF to EF LDS? IMHO it should be supported
> Regards
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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