The PC number is 00180305

Bytes 148-151 show 00080305

The leading 001 is missing..

On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:39:44 -0400 Jim Mulder <> wrote:

:>> The issued PC is 16 bit linkage index (24 bit total with the entry 
:>number) but
:>> the linkage state entry at offset +x'94' (decimal 148) has bits 0-11 
:>zero. It
:>> is described as the "Numeric Part of PC Number". Can the entire value be
:>> returned from the linkage state entry?
:>  Principles of Operation says:
:>Numeric Part of PC Number: In a program-call
:>state entry, bit positions 1-31 of bytes 148-151 contain
:>the numeric part of the PC number used by the
:>stacking PROGRAM CALL instruction that formed
:>the entry. When ASN-and-LX reuse is not enabled, or
:>when it is and bit 44 of the effective address used by
:>stacking PROGRAM CALL is zero, stacking PROGRAM
:>CALL places bits 44-63 of the effective
:>address, with 11 zeros appended on the left, in bit
:>positions 1-31 of bytes 148-151. When ASN-and-LX
:>reuse is enabled and bit 44 of the effective address is
:>one, stacking PROGRAM CALL places bits 45-63 of
:>the effective address, with bits 32-43 of the effective
:>address appended on the left, in bit positions 1-31 of
:>bytes 148-151. In any case, stacking PROGRAM
:>CALL places a zero in bit position 0 of the bytes if the
:>resulting addressing mode is the 24-bit or 31-bit
:>mode or a one in bit position 0 if the resulting
:>addressing mode is the 64-bit mode. 
:>  What part of the entire value is missing?
:>Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY
:>For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
:>send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Binyamin Dissen <>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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