The following sequence does what I need. I could not have conjured it up without this group's assistance. Thank you.
IOF DSN1MSTR RUNNING CLIST 1 BR SD DSNAME('IBMUSER.DSN1IOF1.TEMP') SNAP 99999 PAGES END TSO REPRO INFILE(IOFUT1) OFILE(IOFUT2) Some notes: 1: DSN1MSTR is the started task I am trying to capture. 2: CLIST tells the batch IOF facility that there are more commands following. 3: 1 BR essentially selects the started task DSN1MSTR and tricks the batch job into browse of the syslog. 4: Snap 99999 pages dumps up to 99,999 pages worth of stuff 5: END appears to end the mode established by CLIST although I am not sure because. 6: TSO REPRO obviously invokes REPRO under TSO. It appears to have to be coded this way. The surrounding jcl handles the GDG stuff allowing me to use the same cards for virtually any started task. Some of the task and dataset names have been obfuscated for security purposes. We really don't have datasets aliased to IBMUSER. Thank you all again for the great assist. Edward Long ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN