Well, I moved ISAUTH() unchanged to its own assembler module. No change in
the error. I removed the IEABRCX DEFINE and bingo! It works.

BTW, the RPTSTG(ON) output shows nothing unusual. I can post it if anyone
thinks they would see something there.

FWIW, here is the complete assembled code of the new ISAUTH. The addresses
are of course different. CDSALEN is also a lot smaller because ISAUTH
basically needs none of the work area used by some of the other functions.
***That's not the key difference -- the smaller CDSALEN still fails if
IEABRCX DEFINE.*** Other than that, the only difference I can see relative
to the old code is the base/displacement branches rather than branch
relatives. (The EXTRN CEESTART is generated once per assembly by EDCPRLG.
It's earlier in the listing in the big module.)

I am *totally* mystified. Even if you posit a (HIGHLY unlikely!) bug in
TESTAUTH or LE, I don't see how substituting two BRC's for BC's could expose

                              23 ISAUTH   EDCPRLG DSALEN=CDSALEN,BASEREG 
               00000 00098    25+IHB0002DS DSECT                         
                              26+         DS    D                        
                              27+         DS    CL(120+0)                
               00080 00000    28+         ORG   IHB0002DS                
                              29+         DS    CL(CDSALEN+8)            
               00098 00098    30+         ORG                            
                              31+         DS    0D                       
               00090          32+IHB0002LG EQU   *-IHB0002DS-8           
               0001C 000C0    33+CZAISAUT CSECT                          
                              35+         DS    0H                       
          R:F  0001C          36+         USING *,15                     
47F0 F040            0005C    37+ISAUTH   B     IHB0002B       branch ar 
                              38+* PPA1 constant area                    
14                            39+         DC    AL1(IHB0002N+4-*)   offs 
CE                            40+         DC    X'CE' .             CEE  
A0                            41+         DC    X'A0' .             CEE  
10                            42+         DC    AL1(0+0+16)      .  memb 
00000038                      43+         DC    AL4(IHB0002P) .       A( 
00000000                      44+         DC    AL4(0) .              A( 
00000090                      45+         DC    AL4(IHB0002LG)        to 
0006                          46+IHB0002N DC    AL2(6)      .       leng 
C9E2C1E4E3C8                  47+         DC    C'ISAUTH'           untr 
                              49+         EXTRN CEESTART                 
                              51+* PPA2 constant area                    
                              52+IHB0002P DS    0F                  forc 
03                            53+         DC    X'03' .             memb 
00                            54+         DC    X'00' .             memb 
33                            55+         DC    X'33'     .         plis 
00                            56+         DC    X'00' .             CEE  
00000000                      57+         DC    AL4(CEESTART)            
00000000                      58+         DC    AL4(0)                A( 
00000048                      59+         DC    AL4(IHB0002T) .       A( 
                              61+* Time stamp area                      
                              62+IHB0002T DS    0F                      
F2F0F1F5                      63+         DC    CL4'2015'  .        yyyy
F0F5F2F8                      64+         DC    CL4'0528'   .       mmdd
F0F9F1F5F0F0                  65+         DC    CL6'091500'     .   hhmm
F0F1                          66+         DC    CL2'01' .           vers
F0F1F0F0                      67+         DC    CL4'0100' .         rele
                              69+IHB0002B DS    0H                      
90EC D00C            0000C    71+         STM   14,12,12(13) .      save
5820 D04C            0004C    73+         L     2,76(,13)           get 
5800 F010            00010    74+         L     0,16(,15)           size
1E02                          75+         ALR   0,2                 old 
5500 C00C            0000C    76+         CL    0,12(,12)           chec
47D0 F05C            00078    77+         BNH   *+10                bran
58F0 C074            00074    78+         L     15,116(,12)         load
05EF                          79+         BALR  14,15               invo
                              80+* at this point R0 has the new NAB, R2 
58F0 D048            00048    81+         L     15,72(,13)              
90F0 2048            00048    82+         STM   15,0,72(2)              
9210 2000      00000          83+         MVI   0(2),X'10'              
50D0 2004            00004    84+         ST    13,4(,2)            back
18D2                          85+         LR    13,2                acti
                              87+         DROP  15                      
C0C0 FFFF FFBB       00000    89          LARL  R12,CZAISAUT            
          R:C  00000          90          USING CZAISAUT,R12            
                              91 *                                      
                              92 *  Issue the TESTAUTH                  
                              93          TESTAUTH FCTN=1               
4110 0001            00001    94+         LA    1,1(0,0)       SPECIFY F
4100 0FFF            00FFF    95+         LA    0,X'FFF'       NO AUTH C
8900 0014            00014    96+         SLL   0,20             REG 0 N
0A77                          97+         SVC   119                     
                              98 *                                      
                              99 *  TESTAUTH returns 0 = yes, 4 = no    
                             100 *  We return 1 = yes, 0 = no           
88F0 0002            00002   101          SRL   R15,2               Conv
13FF                         102          LCR   R15,R15             Conv
A7FA 0001            00001   103          AHI   R15,1               Conv
                             104 *                                      
                             105          EDCEPIL ,                     
58D0 D004            00004   106+         L     13,4(,13)          addre
58E0 D00C            0000C   107+         L     14,12(,13)         resto
982C D01C            0001C   108+         LM    2,12,28(13)        resto
051E                         109+         BALR  1,14               retur
0000001C                     110+         DC    AL4(ISAUTH)             


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Charles Mills
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Mysterious U4088-63 from RPTSTG(ON)

Sure. It's magical mystery code, but sure.

                            1669 ISAUTH   EDCPRLG DSALEN=CDSALEN,BASEREG
               00000 00618  1671+IHB0092DS DSECT                        
                            1672+         DS    D                       
                            1673+         DS    CL(120+0)               
               00080 00000  1674+         ORG   IHB0092DS               
                            1675+         DS    CL(CDSALEN+8)           
               00614 00614  1676+         ORG                           
                            1677+         DS    0D                      
               00610        1678+IHB0092LG EQU   *-IHB0092DS-8          
               00035 01510  1679+CZAMISC  CSECT                         
                            1681+         DS    0H                      
          R:F  00876        1682+         USING *,15                    
A7F4 0021            008B8  1685+ISAUTH   BRC   15,IHB0092B  (BC)       
                            1686+* PPA1 constant area                   
14                          1687+         DC    AL1(IHB0092N+4-*)   offs
CE                          1688+         DC    X'CE' .             CEE 
A0                          1689+         DC    X'A0' .             CEE 
10                          1690+         DC    AL1(0+0+16)      .  memb
00000894                    1691+         DC    AL4(IHB0092P) .       A(
00000000                    1692+         DC    AL4(0) .              A(
00000610                    1693+         DC    AL4(IHB0092LG)        to
0006                        1694+IHB0092N DC    AL2(6)      .       leng
C9E2C1E4E3C8                1695+         DC    C'ISAUTH'           untr
                            1697+* PPA2 constant area                   
                            1698+IHB0092P DS    0F                  forc
03                          1699+         DC    X'03' .             memb
00                          1700+         DC    X'00' .             memb
33                          1701+         DC    X'33'     .         plis
00                          1702+         DC    X'00' .             CEE 
00000000                    1703+         DC    AL4(CEESTART)           
00000000                    1704+         DC    AL4(0)                A(
000008A4                    1705+         DC    AL4(IHB0092T) .       A(
                            1707+* Time stamp area                      
                            1708+IHB0092T DS    0F                      
F2F0F1F5                    1709+         DC    CL4'2015'  .        yyyy
F0F5F2F7                    1710+         DC    CL4'0527'   .       mmdd
F2F1F0F7F0F0                1711+         DC    CL6'210700'     .   hhmm
F0F1                        1712+         DC    CL2'01' .           vers
F0F1F0F0                    1713+         DC    CL4'0100' .         rele
                            1715+IHB0092B DS    0H                      
90EC D00C            0000C  1717+         STM   14,12,12(13) .      save
5820 D04C            0004C  1719+         L     2,76(,13)           get 
5800 F010            00010  1720+         L     0,16(,15)           size
1E02                        1721+         ALR   0,2                 old 
5500 C00C            0000C  1722+         CL    0,12(,12)           chec
A7D4 0005            008D4  1725+         BRC   13,*+10  (BC)           
58F0 C074            00074  1726+         L     15,116(,12)         load
05EF                        1727+         BALR  14,15               invo
                            1728+* at this point R0 has the new NAB, R2 
58F0 D048            00048  1729+         L     15,72(,13)              
90F0 2048            00048  1730+         STM   15,0,72(2)              
9210 2000      00000        1731+         MVI   0(2),X'10'              
50D0 2004            00004  1732+         ST    13,4(,2)            back
18D2                        1733+         LR    13,2                acti
                            1735+         DROP  15                      

                            1756          EDCEPIL ,                     
58D0 D004            00004  1757+         L     13,4(,13)          addre
58E0 D00C            0000C  1758+         L     14,12(,13)         resto
982C D01C            0001C  1759+         LM    2,12,28(13)        resto
051E                        1760+         BALR  1,14               retur
00000876                    1761+         DC    AL4(ISAUTH)             


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