On 2015-11-09, at 09:35, J O Skip Robinson wrote:

> I can contribute one factoid to this discussion. We use IBM's TWS for job 
> scheduling. Because of the scheduling's extreme sensitivity to time stamps 
> and because of a negative incident we had a few years back, we've been 
> accustomed to bouncing TWS shortly after the 'fallback' time change. This 
> time we rode it out and watched for any scheduling anomalies. We found none. 
> Meanwhile no application area has reported problems with duplicate time 
> stamps interfering with their production. (Is that a second factoid?) So 
> running with true UTC and current OS and middleware, fallback time change 
> should no longer be a global concern.
Depending, of course, on how current your current middleware is.

Interesting information at:

    ... systems or applications that use the POSIX time zone format may
    not change time properly ...

    Systems and applications using the Olson time zone format are NOT affected.
    Do not take any action if you use Olson format. ...

Does this embody a hint to z/OS development?  Perhaps even grist for the RfE 


On 2015-11-09, at 10:00, J O Skip Robinson wrote:

> This may be OT for your actual question, but an alarm went off in my head 
> while reading this post. If you carefully shut down your systems before 
> copying to your DR site, you may well find yourself in a world of hurt in the 
> event of a real disaster. If systems die a sudden death without warning, you 
> will have no opportunity to shut down cleanly or do any other kind of 
> processing on the production side. 
> To test DR properly, you need to stop processing like yanking a plug. How you 
> accomplish that action depends on your configuration and mirroring technology 
> (if any). Maybe you depend on tornado alerts where you live. We have 
> earthquakes. No time for any preparation whatsoever.
Our data center has cords dangling from the ceiling ...

-- gil

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