I can speak for Syncsort ...

Dataspaces, Hiperspaces, and 64-bit momory objects are all managed as 
"Strategic Hierarchial Storage" in the MFX (current sort) product.  MFX uses a 
central (Dynamic Storage Manager, or DSM) address space to regulate use of 
storage across all concurrently running sorts and copies.  Part of that process 
is the SYSEVENT STGTEST system call where SRM returns a set of numbers that 
reflect the current real frame availability across the entire system.  A single 
instance of a sort or copy decides the type and how much storage to use based 
on the requirements of the sort/copy, the amounts the job is permitted to use 
(IEFUSI, etc.) and the amounts of storage DSM indicates is safe to use.  

Art Celestini
Technology Architect
Mainframe Development
Syncsort Inc.

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At 06:39 AM 11/24/2015, Rob Scott wrote:
>For MVS/ESA and upwards, dataspaces were great for expanding the virtual 
>storage available horizontally, however these days I do not believe I would 
>use them in any new code or designs.
>64-bit memory objects offer so much more.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
>Behalf Of Vernooij, CP (ITOPT1) - KLM
>Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:37 AM
>Subject: Re: z/OS and hiperspaces
>I suggest you also consider dataspaces. With regard to what users can do with 
>them and what impact they have on the system, they are similar: they use 
>virtual (and therefor central storage). E.g. IEFUSI has only one value to 
>limit the a user's use of hiper- and dataspaces. A special user is DFSORT, 
>which can use huge amounts of it, but takes well care not to the impact the 
>system to much.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On 
>Behalf Of Lindy Mayfield
>Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:28 AM
>Subject: z/OS and hiperspaces
>I want to learn about hiperspaces, especially what sorts of  z/OS tuning 
>options there are to control them,  what might be the impact on the system if 
>users create too many or too many large  ones, stuff like that.  Where  would 
>I read and learn about things like that?
>And is there a way to monitor hiperspaces,  like using RMF?
>This is a totally new topic for me so I am beginning from the beginning.  
>Google and friendly mail lists.  :)
>Kind regards,

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