On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 15:06:57 -0600, Dana Mitchell wrote:
>z/OS V2.2 is designed to support a new IEFOPZxx parmlib member in which you 
>can specify pairs of partitioned (PDS and PDSE) data sets. In each pair, you 
>can specify one that is to be searched ahead of its counterpart data set when 
>programs are fetched. This new function is intended to allow you to insert 
>program libraries ahead of others in the link list, in STEPLIB and JOBLIB 
>concatenations, and for LLA-managed libraries without making JCL changes.  ...
Damn!  That sounds like a desperate measure designed to combat customer

Customer: We can't tolerate the downtime to convert, nor the effort of changing 
all our JCL!

IBM:      Here, let us help you ...

I've never heard of so elaborate a conversion aid, nor of one so deeply embedded
in the OS.  But, then, there are a lot of things I don't know.

Is there an expiration date for the facility, or will it clutter the OS 
If the latter, it will surely come to be used off-label, institutionalized, and
necessarily perpetuated.

"parmlib".  So I can't use it; only authorized system administrators.

-- gil

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