> > First of all the DB2 sub system is not installed yet because I have
> > 1500 PTF for FMID HDBAA10 and before installing DB2 I decided to apply
> > all the PTFs. So in this way may I could use
> > BYPASS(ACTION,DB2BIND,DOC). (Please let me your Idea?)

Be very careful.  There is a process to use to install any function in z/OS
(DB2, IMS, CICS, MQ, z/OS, etc) that is documented in the associated
installation manuals.

If you are unfamiliar with SMP/E or its flow, or you have not
installed/supported DB2 before, you need to review the installation
documentation and create a checklist.  Make sure you run FIXCAT in SMP/E to make
sure z/OS and DB2 have the most current fixes available.  Typically you receive
and apply the FUNCTION (sometimes ACCEPT at this point) then Receive and APPLY
CHECK the maintenance.  The DB2 Installation Documentation will explain what to

Failure to do this can lead to an unstable environment for DB2.

Next DB2 V10 

GA     22-Oct-2010, 210-380 General Availability
EOM    06-Jul-2015, 914-104 End of Maintenance
EOS    30-Sep-2017, 914-150 End of Service

z/OS V1.12

GA     24-Sep-2010, 210-235  General Availability
EOM    28-Oct-2011, 911-107  End of Maintenance
EOS    30-Sep-2014, 913-149  End of Service

What do the dates mean?  You are running on an unsupported version of z/OS.
There might be issues with DB2 V10 and z/OS V1.12.  You need to make sure all
the maintenance for DB2 is on z/OS V1.12 that is available before doing DB2.  

DB2 10 goes off support on Sep 30, 2017.  So even though DB2 is support the z/OS
is not. Any issues will either require an upgrade to a current z/OS level or
engaging IBM for Time/Materials if there is an issue between DB2 10 and z/OS
V1.12.  Note: DB2 EOM is July 5, 2015 (last year). 

This is not the place to learn how to do this.  This is a place where mentoring
can be done, but it does not replace training.

Always review any information supplied and adapt it to your systems

So, is this a new install of DB2? An Upgrade? Or Maintenance?

And you may find better support on DB2 list.  Remember to always provide
complete details.

And for some reason I am not seeing all of the postings for this question.  Are
you using the Listserver to post? Or some other method.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Kurt Quackenbush
> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 7:20 AM
> Subject: Re: Apply PTF on DB2 10 (z/os 1.12)
> > First of all the DB2 sub system is not installed yet because I have
> > 1500 PTF for FMID HDBAA10 and before installing DB2 I decided to apply
> > all the PTFs. So in this way may I could use
> > BYPASS(ACTION,DB2BIND,DOC). (Please let me your Idea?)
> Yes, you should apply the PTFs for HDBAA10 before deploying it into an
> execution environment.  A nit, but I think you mean
> BYPASS(HOLDSYSTEM(ACTION,DB2BIND,DOC)).  That is fine, although you probably
> want to add RESTART and IPL to that list of HOLDSYSTEM reason-ids, or just
> specify BYPASS(HOLDSYSTEM) to bypass all types of SYSTEM HOLDs (that's how I
> roll).
> > So I am following the following steps :
> >
> > 1- I restored the DSNA10.** and SMPEDB2.** to before applied backup.
> > 2- Control the SMPE list and report to find the situation of SMPE
> > GLOBAL and Target Zone. 3- Receive The PTFs for FMID HDBAA10. 4- RUN
> > one by one.
> Did I read that right?  "One by one"... really?  So you ran 1500 APPLY CHECKs?
> Why would you do that?  You should run *ONE* APPLY CHECK.  If you really want
> to limit the PTFs to just those applicable to HDBAA10, then do not use SELECT
> but use FORFMID(HDBAA10) on the APPLY CHECK command instead.
> Better in my opinion is to APPLY all PTFs that are applicable to all FMIDs in
> that target zone.  To do this don't specify either SELECT or FORFMID, which
> means SMP/E will figure out all of the PTFs that are applicable.  Of course
> you might want to limit the PTFs to only those that are recommended, and
> therefore have an RSU sourceid.  To do this specify SOURCEID(RSU*) on the
> > 5- For those Jobs which the RC=00 run the apply without CHECK. At this
> > step some of them finished correct and some gave RC=08 which the ERROR
> > was LINK- EDIT. Which it was estrange for me???!!! Whenever taking
> > SMPE LIST ERROR the STATUS  is REC APP  ERR . I don't know what to do
> > for this kind off PTFs?????
> Not knowing exactly the state of your target zone and libraries before this
> adventure, its possible if you do as I suggest above and apply all applicable
> PTFs in a single step, then some of those errors might get resolved on their
> own.  That is, higher level PTFs supply higher level MODs that likely contain
> the references that are missing and causing the binder errors.
> If you continue to see binder errors, then as I mentioned previously, you
> should contact IBM DB2 support for their assistance.
> > 6- For those PTFs which have MODID Error there is ELEMENT Regression
> > REPORT with ( - , * ) flags. Is it possible to BYPASS(ID) for kind of
> > PTFs which don't have (- flag)? My understanding for this kind of PTF
> > is that no regression will happened and just the module will update in
> > high level version. PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR ADVICE ABOUT THIS ????
> Are the regressed and regressing SYSMODs in the report all IBM PTFs?  If so,
> then it means you're target zone indicates some PTFs had already been applied,
> or at least an attempt was made.  Once again, apply all of the applicable PTFs
> in a single step.  SMP/E will try to sort out which PTFs have already been
> applied and therefore should avoid regressions.
> Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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