W dniu 2016-05-14 o 01:47, Tony Harminc pisze:
On 13 May 2016 at 19:19, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:
It's absurd. Completely ridiculous.
Pendrive from IBM is not likely to have a virus.
True. But it's related to the argument that airline pilots should not
be security screened at airports. Of course it's not about screening
pilots, but rather those who *look like* pilots.

If you buy in quantity, I'm sure these people will put a logo of your
choice on your "pen drive":


Or probably the clip is a standard size, and an IBM one can easily be
substituted for the duck one.

The relationship to the pilots case is simply wrong.
Yes, there are USB with a virus, there are also "hardware infected" pendrives.
Simple security sealing resolve the problem of media genuity. As with the tapes. Remember, the tape could contain malicious code also! Rhetorical: Do you security-check your installation tapes? What about IBM-delivered DVDs???

When talking about infected code on USB stick (including USB stick HW) we should consider the following cases: 1. Modified/infected z/OS code. In this case it doesn't matter what media is used. The same risk is for tape or DVD. Indirect Internet download is also somehow affected. 2. The malicious code is intended to infect the workstation. The methods for attack are well known:
2.1 autorun.inf - should be disabled as a general rule.
2.2. virus.exe or boobs.exe - phising.
2.3. HW code. More complex.
Fortunately methods 2.1 and 2.2 cannot infect HMC. The last one is very unlikely.

Last but not least: such attack would have to be dedicated to given company. With very doubtful effect in case of succesful infection. It would be extremely hard time consuming and expensive. It is much cheaper to bribe or blackmail some insider.

BTW: It remains me Tylenol affair from early eighties.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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