We just had a discussion: a branch never S0C4's (short version).

Is the storage x'90'(,R7) fetchable?


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Peter Hunkeler
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:51 AM
Subject: S0C4-11 abend caused by BASSM to address with all X'00' bytes

I'm confused. Can I not see the obvious?

We've got an S0C4-11 abend in a batch job. The last instructions seem to be 

L R15,x'90'(,7)

R15 has the address that is seen in the PSW in the dump. The storage at this
address *is* in the dump, and it contains a couple of X'00'. 

How can the storage be in the dump when the abend code suggests it is not
even getmained (S0C4-11)? Why is this not an S0C1 (operation exception
caused by X'0000' at the PSW NSI address)?

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