>So why was the page not allocated and what executable code
>should have been loaded into it - or is its <R15> address corrupted?

I don't have a clue yet, but as said in my previous post, I suspect some 
storage overlay. Results are unpredictable.

>(The x'0000' seems to be left-over garbage.)

It is more likely it is fresh storage after the page was initially assigned to 
newly getmained storage. It will be cleared to X'00' by MVS. If nobody writes 
before reading it, it is still x'00', i.e. garbage.

>BTW Why load offset x'90' on R7 as EP?

 I don't have clue. The storage where R7 point to belongs to a load module is 
called SQLBATCH and it seems to belong to Smart/Restart. Not our code.

Peter Hunkeler

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