>You told us that the instruction address where the BASSM goes is correct.
No, I told that the address fetched into R15 matches where the BASSM jumped to and matches what is seem in the PSW. >What happens, if you switch off LE dump processing by LE option TRAP(OFF)? I don't dare to ask for this. As said there is Smart/Restart and with my current (limited) understanding of what this does and what it depends on, this would be risky. The application depends on the tool to coordinate sequential file processing with DB2 processing in the case of abends and restarts. I'm hoping for the SYSMDUMP. If that fails, I will take the burden and ask for a SLIP. -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN