>:>That would lead to a S0C4-4 not S0C4-11, wouldn't it? > >Program Unit: Entry: Statement: Offset: -01BE8FAE >Machine State: >ILC..... 0002 Interruption Code..... 0004
Thanks. I was mislead by the fact the the failure was reported as S0C4 reason 11 in the joblog. Also LE as well as IPCS show the content of the memory at the address in R15 / PSW NSI, and this is key 8 storage. *But* the main purpose of my post was to under how the job can fail with a S0C4-xx when I can see the storage in the dump. The conclusion was (see previous thread) that the "little helpers" must have getmained and gotten storage that was not there (or not in key 8) at the time if the initial error. >I don't know how LE plays that game. A SLIP of the 0C4 would have true >contents. System Trace would also help with this information but it is not in the dump produced by the "little"helpers". Setting a SLIP in production is a not so short adventure trip; and SLIPping for a 0C4 is not trivial as long as I don't have more information what actually happens. I have asked that the job be changed to switch off the 'little helpers' and a SYSMDUMP DD be added. Hopefully I will have more information next time it fails. -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN