I'm totally on board with Tom Marchant's position. It's why I've presented at 
so many SHARE sessions over the years. Our profession is uplifted by spreading 
knowledge and sharing experience. OTOH I can think of a few cases where a 
little less cleverness early on might have ameliorated some solution designs 
that eventually became problematic.

A major credit reporting entity based in SoCal wrote a new application that 
needed some kind of data base. This was in the 70s, long before DB2 and well 
before VSAM APIs were built seamlessly into COBOL. The clever designers came up 
with a novel solution. Create a giant multivolume PDS (PO) that could be 
processed in direct access mode. There was no restriction at the time on 
opening a PDS as DSORG=DA. It was fast, efficient, and reliable. Trouble was, 
IBM eventually decided that this was an unnatural perversion and inserted a 
check for PDS at open time. Last I heard, the customer routinely had to obtain 
and manage a special usermod from IBM to allow the app to run at all. 

Another company created a mechanism that serialized CICS data access at the 
record level using a common storage locking table. This was before LPAR, so all 
CICS regions could access the same common storage. Then came LPAR, where each 
system had its own separate common storage. Not all CICS regions could 
communicate with each other directly via memory. The original design was 
modified to allow one region to be the traffic cop for all regions. It worked 
great except when an outage occurred on the lock region. That region could be 
moved to another LPAR, but there was a several-minute application interruption 
at each end of the move. At one time this was just a cost of doing business, 
but when parallel sysplex came along with its promise of continuous 
availability, these periodic outages became harder to justify. If that original 
solution had not been so successful so long ago, there might have been a move 
to coupling facility lock structures that would have been impervious to 
individual region availability. 

None of this is to undermine Tom's compelling argument. Heck, it's Friday.

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Tom Marchant
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 6:15 AM
Subject: (External):Smart enough (was Re: SDB and Program Object Library)

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 16:41:58 -0500, Farley, Peter wrote:

><rant> My unfortunate experience has been that ordinary users are not 
>considered smart enough to see or understand what storage admins do. 

This is one of my pet peeves, so I'll extend your rant a bit.

Ever since I started in this business, people have warned me that certain 
people aren't smart enough to understand, and that giving them too much 
information will cause problems.

As an application programmer, I was told that if I gave operators too much 
information,they wouldn't understand and would f*** things up worse than if I 
just keep them ignorant.

As an Amdahl SE, I was told that the hardware guys couldn't handle software 
knowledge, and neither could the customer's sysprogs.

As a system programmer, it was the applications programmers, the system 
analysts, auditors, managers and vendors.

Now as an ISV software developer, it is the customers and the support people. 
There is one person at a customer site who I was told is totally unreasonable, 
and incapable of learning or following directions. I had occasion to talk on 
the phone with this person to help resolve an issue. We worked together looking 
at various things until we discovered the cause of the problem.

As it happened, a relatively minor mistake had been made. In the process of 
working with the him, I learned that everything I had been told about him was 
untrue. He was bright, thoughtful, and a damn good sysprog. He knew better than 
us how to do things, and had his own procedures that make more sense than the 
canned procedures that we provided.

In over 45 years in this business, everyone I have ever met does a better job 
with more information. Even more importantly, when people are treated with 
respect and with the assumption that they are competent, they do better work.

Sure, sometimes all of us make mistakes, sometimes with catastrophic results. I 
remember well the day that I was getting ready to IPL a test LPAR and reset a 
production LPAR instead. Was I stoned or stupid? Neither.

The user-dummy is a myth.

Tom Marchant

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