On 2/6/2017 11:46 AM, Peter Hunkeler wrote:
- Are the "DB2 latches" implemented as GRS latches?
- Are row, page, tables space locks actually DB2 latches? In other words, would 
WLM be able to recognize a low priority job holding some DB2 locks is causeing 
delay so it can promote it?
- What have IRLM and its lock structures to do with GRS latsches, if anything?
- Does DB2 inform WLM about resource lockers, so WLM can possibly promote them?

- DB2 does not use GRS latches.  It has it's own internal latch manager.
- Row, page, and table space locks are managed by IRLM for DB2.
- IRLM does not use GRS latches.  It has it's own internal latch manager.

DB2 *will* communicate internal latch contention information to WLM.

IRLM *will* communicate lock and internal latch contention information to WLM.

Communication of contention information for WLM to take action with is not perfect. There are windows where sufficient information does not exist about the requestors. To cover these windows, WLM Blocked Workload support should always be enabled.


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