W dniu 2017-02-23 o 20:09, Bill Woodger pisze:
Also note that if you see a current job-ad for Fujitsu Mainframe skills in the UK, it 
will be for an ICL Mainframe, running VME, and being distinctly different from... 
anything from IBM. The COBOL is to the 1974 Standard (with Extensions, including COMP-5 
which allows the definition of "bits").

Various parts of "the government" have huge projects at the moment converting their old 
ICL systems to Microfocus COBOL on "servers".

It was very popular in Poland, because our government bought a license for ICL machines and OS. Indeed, it wasn't even similar to IBM family. The system name was GEORGE (GEORGE3), polish name of the machine was ODRA (this is name of second largest polish river, which crosesse Wrocław - a city where ODRA were built).
I think the last ODRA's were in use approx. 10 years ago in a railways.

Some years later there were also ODRA emulator working under VM on IBM hardware. I met it approx 18-20 years ago. People claimed the emulator was over 10 times faster than real machine. The emulator ran on 6 MIPS 4381.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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