On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 11:35:47 -0500, Mark Zelden <m...@mzelden.com> wrote:

>On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 15:56:29 +0000, Jesse 1 Robinson <jesse1.robin...@sce.com> 
>>This goes back several years when CF and memory resources were more expensive 
>>and less flexible than today. Think standalone CF where a memory >upgrade was 
>>a huge PITA. We had one single-system parallel sysplex that I had refrained 
>>from turning over to GRS star. It was only one system, after all, so >what 
>>could be harm in running GRS ring? Star would be a waste of resources, I 
>>One particular housekeeping job ran daily in every sysplex. It did a massive 
>>LISTCAT. We noticed that this job ran two or three times longer (!) on this 
>>one >system as compared with other sysplexes that made use of GRS star. I 
>>could not find any plausible difference other than GRS configuration. So on a 
>>hunch I >bit the bullet and implemented GRS star. Sure enough, the elapsed 
>>time for the big LISTCAT job immediately dropped to a value in line with the 
>>other >sysplexes. That's on a system that did not actually share resources 
>>with any other. Not a scientific observation, but I'm as convinced as any UFO 
>>witness ever >was.  
>Wow!  I believe you, but I'd love to hear the technical explanation for that 
>from an IBM
>GRS and/or sysplex guru considering it was a single system.   I can only guess 
>it was just a different code path taken that was more efficient and it didn't 
>anything to do with delays in propagating ENQs.  Or maybe there were reserves
>involved that went away with GRS STAR, but I wouldn't think so with just a 
>Going back to the "old days" if you really had a single system you didn't want 
>gen the DASD as shared and that would avoid RESERVEs from being issued.
>I'm feeling old now...  :-)

I just ran a test in a sandbox MIM (MII) environment (2 system sysplex) and 
LISTCAT ALL does does cause the CATALOG address space to do reserves on
QNAME=SYSZVVDS  RNAME=volser for the volumes that have cataloged 
data sets.  Makes complete sense now that I think about it, because how else
could LISTCAT get VVR and NVR data for the LISTCAT.  

So going to GRS STAR and converting SYSZVVDS to a global ENQ would
explain how much faster the LISTCAT job ran - even on a single system 
assuming the DASD is gen'd as shared.    Mystery solved.  :-) 


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
ITIL v3 Foundation Certified
Cell: 847-602-6870
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html
Systems Programming expert at http://search390.techtarget.com/ateExperts/
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