
Here is snips promised:


UPNEXT   DS    0H                      Top of loop
         LA    R7,IWKAUL               R7 = ICHEINTY work area length
         ST    R7,IWKAU                Store length of work area in
*                                       its header
         MVI   IWKAU+4,X'00'           }  Zero out the rest of the
         MVC   IWKAU+5(27),IWKAU+4     }   ICHEINTY work area header
         MVI   PGMRNU,C' '             Blank out the user name field
         MVC   PGMRNU+1(19),PGMRNU
*                                      Fetch the next USER profile
         LA    R1,12                   Code for "no subsequent entries"
         CR    R1,R15                  Did we get it ?
         BZ    GPROFS                  Yes - get out of the loop
         LTR   R15,R15                 Did it otherwise succeed ?
         BNZ   ERROR03                 No - issue message, then skip
*                                       the remaining profiles, and
*                                       terminate the program.
*                                      Else R15 = 0
*    This userid may be shorter than the previous one, in which case
*    some residual characters remain.
*    Blank out the trailing characters, so that we can treat
*    this userid as being an 8 character, blank-filled userid.
*                                      R15 = 0 still
         IC    R15,IUID                R15 = length of userid
         LA    R7,THISUID              R7 -> start of userid
         AR    R15,R7                  R15 -> end+1 of userid
         MVC   0(8,R15),BLANX          Blank out residual characters
         MVC   USERID(8),THISUID       Copy the userid
         MVC   NAME(20),PGMRNU         Copy the user name
         MVC   OWNER(8),AUTHU          Copy the owner's id
         UNPK  CODED(7),AUTHDATE(4)    Unpack date into zoned field
         MVC   CRE8YY,CODED            Store year number
         MVC   CRE8DDD,CODED+2         Store day number
         PUT   UIDS,UIDSREC            Write the record
*    Special treatment for unused userids :
         L     R3,PARAM                Get parameter value
         LTR   R3,R3                   Is it zero ?
         BZ    UPNEXT                  Yes - don't REVOKE anything
         CLC   LJDATE,THREEFF          Has it ever been used ?
         BNE   UPNEXT                  Yes - get next USER profile

---- ds dcs -----

               ACTIONS=(ACTNA1),                                       @
IUID     DC    AL1(8)                  Length of ICHEINTY user id (8)
THISUID  DC    CL44' '                 Name of last profile retrieved



On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 6:44 PM, scott Ford <idfli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey E,
> I didn't find a WKSP, do I assume Subpool 0 doing Nextc to extract userids.
> Definitely ugh..i will post a snip...
> Scott
> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 8:37 AM Elardus Engelbrecht <
> elardus.engelbre...@sita.co.za> wrote:
>> scott Ford wrote:
>> >I found the issues, one as CM mentioned was the Freemain and secondly I
>> found some old assembler RACF macros - ICHEINTY ...and there were NO
>> freemains...ugh ...I reproduced their problem.
>> Oh, thats a bigh ugh! What is value of WKSP in that ICHEINTY? There are
>> weird but documented notes about subpool usage by that macro.
>> >This is a design I inherited so I am obviously in the stage of
>> changing... I appreciate everyone's help
>> Ok, what is that ICHEINTY doing? Extracting data or updating the RACF DB
>> directly?
>> Depending what that macro does, you need to consider alternative RACF
>> macros.
>> Groete / Greetings
>> Elardus Engelbrecht
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> --
> Scott Ford
> z/OS Development



Scott Ford

z/OS Dev.

“By elevating a friend or Collegue you elevate yourself, by demeaning a
friend or collegue you demean yourself”



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