I should probably relay my old story about estimated line counts: Back around 1984 a spool shortage occurred that slowed or stopped all processing enough that the manager response was "Put in some limits". So someone implemented a JES2 exit that 722'd when the estimated line count was exceeded. Managers were happy I guess.

The result, however, was that virtually all of the 722's were folks who simply needed to increase their estimated line count, often after a complaining phone call to my desk. So basically all the exit did was cause reruns and additional CPU usage - very expensive in those days. I ended up removing the exit and concentrated on actions to handle spool problems on the back-end (notification and automation, including spool offload if necessary). Those back-end methods have their own issues, but at least the complaning calls stopped.

Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
In light of our spool problems, we have undertaken to set a limit. Trying to make everyone put output limits in their jobs would be out of the question. So we dug into TFM and found system wide ESTLNCT. There are related parms for byte count and page count, but we went with lines for simplicity. It's a 'basic' parm not associated with job class. We set ESTLNCT to a value that we calculated would represent around 20% of the spool. Fortunately we have a sandbox system where we can play with this sort of thing. Good news for us: a large output job gets S722 when our experimental limit is exceeded. Bad news for OP: I set up a started task to do the same thing; it ran to completion regardless of output count. So it appears that STCs are not subject to the ESTLNCT value. I’m 99% sure that the TSO OUTLIM value specified in IKJTSOxx affects only TSO; in fact, only the TSO TRANSMIT command, not TSO output in general. Before discovering ESTLNCT, we set out to get automation (SA) to analyze the 'output exceeded' message and cancel a job when it reaches 20% of the spool; that value is included in the message. I imagine that the same strategy could be used to limit STCs, but it would require more work. It just occurred to me that if you're concerned about a specific STC, you might try putting a JOB card on it. I have not tried that.

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