0000000433f07816-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
> I see the history differently.  This is conjectural, but I believe
> that UNIX had at least the user/group/others file protection facility
> at a time when OS/360 had only the primitive data set passwords.  I
> recall, perhaps at MVS 3.8, systems programmers still relying on
> passwords to control access to the master catalog or the resident
> volume.  (Where I was, the res pack password was the system ID spelled
> backwards.)  MVS bypassed the concept of resource ownership and went
> directly to the ACL-like RACF.

I was working on IBM's HA/CMP cluster scaleup both technical/scientific
(with national labs) and commercial (with RDBMS vendors) ... reference
to JAN1992 meeting in Ellison's conference room

within a couple weeks, cluster scaleup is transferred, announced as IBM
supercomputer (for technical & scientific only) and we were told we
couldn't work on anything with more than four processors. some old email

later, two of the oracle people in the ellison meeting have left and are
at a small client/server startup responsible for something called the
"commerce server". I'm brought in as consultant because they want to do
payment transactions on the server. The startup had also invented this
technology called "SSL" they wanted to use, the result is now frequently
called "electronic commerce".

I have complete authority over the webservers to payment networks
gateway (but could only make recommendations on the client/server side,
some of which were almost immediately violated, which continue to
account for some number of exploits to this day). I have to do a whole
lot of process documentation and compensating procedures for
availability, dark room operation, and diagnostic processses (payment
network call centers were use to doing 5min 1st level problem
determination; 1st pilot electronic commerce service call was closed
after 3hrs of effort with "no trouble found").

Part of the issue is lots of UNIX is oriented towards interacting with
human ... with frequent implication that any problem is resolved by the
responsible human. I contrasted this (for darkroom operation) that
mainframe has long history of software where there is assumption that
responsible person isn't present and therefor lots of processes grew up
over decades to handle issues automagically.

Disclaimer: while out marketing for IBM's HA/CMP, I coined the term
"disaster survivability" and "geographic survivability" (to
differentiate from disaster/recovery). I was then asked to write a
section for the corporate continuous availability strategy
document. However, the section got removed when both Rochester (as/400)
and POK (mainframe) complained they couldn't meet the requirements.

past availability posts

Later at the 1996 Moscone MDC, all the banners said "Internet" but the
constant refrain in all the sessions was "preserve your investment".
The issue was that they had single user dedicated systems that had
history of business applications with executable scripts embedded in
application data, that were automagically executed ... in purely
stand-alone environment or small, safe, isolated business LANs. This was
being extended to the wide anarchy of the internet with no additional
security measures.

trivia: I had worked with Jim Gray at IBM san jose research on various
things including the original SQL/RDBMS, System/R. some past posts

When he left IBM, he palms off some number of things on me, including
consulting for the IMS group. During 1996 Moscone MDC, he is head of the
new SanFran research center and has open house. Then last decade, before
he disappears, he cons me into interviewing for chief security architect
in redmond. The interview drags on for a couple weeks, but we could
never agree on what needed to be done.

MVS trivia: in the 60s, there was lots of work on CP67 for 7x24 dark
room operation. This was in period when IBM rented machines and charges
were based on system meter that ran whenever the processor and/or any
channel was active (everything had to be idle for at least 400ms before
meter stopped). Initial deployments had little offshift & weekend use,
but to encourage use, the systems had to be always available, even when
totally idle. Part of minimize costs there was lots of work on channel
programs that would allow channel to go idle (and system meter stop),
but be immediately available for arriving characters. Long after IBM was
selling machines, MVS still had a 400ms timer event that guaranteed the
system meter would never stop.

also CP67 from that period ... gone 404, but lives on at wayback

authentication triva: Former head of POK and later head of Boca was CEO
at a Kerberos software company that we were doing some joint
projects. At the time, they also had contract to do the intitial
Kerberos implementation for m'soft (what becomes active directory)

unix folklore: note that some of the CTSS people had gone to 5th flr to do 
Multics and
others went to the science center on the 4th flr and did cp/40, cp/67,
internal network, bunch of online stuff, lots of performance monitoring
and modeling, also invented GML in 1969 (morphs into ISO standard SGML a
decade later and after another decade morphs into HTML). Folklore is
that some of the Multics Bell Lab people, returned home and did UNIX (as
simplified Multics). past posts mentioning 545 tech sq.

When I was undergraduate and cp67 was installed at the univ., I completely
rewrote a lot of the code. Something like 15-20yrs later, I found some
code in unix that was similar to cp67 code I had completely replaced,
conjecture was it traced common heritage back to CTSS.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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