Certainly if one is looking to save a cycle or two then

  if a(i) >= 0 then
    sum = sum + a(i);

should be 

  if a(i) > 0 then
    sum = sum + a(i);

because adding a(i) to sum when a(i) == 0 is a waste of a cycle or two.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Robert Prins
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 12:11 PM
Subject: Someone just too smart for his or her own good?

Just came across the following, and please don't come back with pedantic 
remarks about undeclared variables, the code is just to show what's there:

dcl sum fixed (7) init (-0.1);

for i = 1 to whatever;
  if a(i) >= 0 then
    sum = sum + a(i);

if substr(unspec(sum), 25, 8) ^= '0d'bx then
  put data(sum);

In other words if all a(i) are negative, nothing is printed. A comment in the 
code suggests that this is faster code, on modern OoO z/OS systems, than the 
more logical:

dcl sum fixed (7) init (-1);

for i = 1 to whatever;
  if a(i) >= 0 then
    if sum ^= -1 then
      sum = sum + a(i);
      sum = a(i);

It probably is if the value of whatever is in the order of 42 gazillion, but 
any other thoughts about this?

Robert AH Prins
Some programming  @ <https://prino.neocities.org/zOS/zOS%20Tools.html>

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