Here's a query I've sent to a few individuals, and I'll send a couple more to people outside US who I've seen post here or elsewhere. If you're running a non-US mainframe -- or have done so, or know people who have, or have thoughts on this -- and might chat a bit via email, please get in touch.

As usual, if you reply to the list, please copy me directly so your note isn't buried in the daily list digest.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Researching article on international mainframes
Date:   Tue, 8 Aug 2017 14:36:50 -0400
From:   Gabe Goldberg <>

First, I have to call this "non-US use of mainframes" rather than "international", since to the rest of the world, the US is "international".

My point to editor proposing this article was that it's too easy to forget that US isn't only -- and maybe isn't main! -- user of mainframes.

I'd like to include brief non-US mainframe usage profiles plus comments on differences in mainframe applications/issues world-wide.

So I'll appreciate whatever you can provide...

 * Your thoughts on this
 * Suggestions of interesting non-US sites which might be willing to
   chat (via email) for brief profiles
 * Pointers to mainframe user groups around the world
 * Introduction to similar mainframe experts/advocates elsewhere
 * Noteworthy regional variations in mainframe usage/applications/issues


Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing,
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042           (703) 204-0433
LinkedIn:             Twitter: GabeG0

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