W dniu 2017-08-22 o 16:30, Robert Hansel pisze:
Itschak and Radoslaw,

I believe the permissions for /bin/sh should be 1755, displayed as rwxr-xr-t. 
Note the 1 for the attribute, displayed as 't', activates the Sticky Bit. This 
causes Unix to execute an MVS program by the name of SH instead of trying to 
execute file sh in the /bin directory. SH exists in SYS1.LPALIB as an alias for 
FSUMUSSH. I've never seen the permission bits set to anything else. Admittedly, 
I have not tried turning off the Sticky Bit in order to execute file sh in the 
/bin directory, so perhaps it would still function properly. Is there a 
compelling reason to turn off the Sticky Bit?

A little bit of explanations.
I asked the question, because I found discrepancy in the permissions. Who, how, when, and why changed the permissions - I don't know, that's another story. However the system seemed to work properly with r-x on /bin/sh. The problem occured during installation of some IBM product, part of IDz (former RDz - Rational Developer for System z). Change to r-t fixed the problem.

Thank anyone who helped me with this issue.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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