
Of course there are other tools, some of them provide batch interface,
but I wanted SPZAP because it is not licensed, that means available with
any z/OS installation.

Suppose you could copy the record to a temporary data set, modify it, and rewrite it?

There are different unload and rewrite techniques for VSAM and non-VSAM, but there are record-level utilities for both (IEBPTPCH and IDCAMS). You could alter the data with fair ease in a batch job using an intermediate TMP (IKJEFTxx) step to modify the content in a variety of ways (e.g., CLIST, EXEC, edit macro) without having to write any code in HLASM. You said you did not need partitioned data set support, but it comes along with no additional effort other than specifying the member name if you use IEBPTPCH.

None of the above requires any licensed feature of z/OS or any additional product.

Just a thought.

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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