I have tested this on my z/OS 1.12 system at work. And on a z/OS 2.3 system
to which I have access, at the Dallas Innovation Center.

1) I think it would be nice if I could do a "SUBMIT" command in ISPF option
2 when I have a list of UNIX files displayed, rather than members of a PDS.
Yes, I know that I could do an RYO REXX exec. I just don't wanna {grin}.

2) In SDSF, I quite often want to resubmit a job, as is, which is in the
output queue. At present, I do an SJ on it, followed by "submit;end;;". I
would also like a SDSF line command, preferably named SUBMIT, which would
do this for me. Again, RYO is a possibility, but ... .

Yes, I am one lazy old man.

There is no such thing as the Cloud. It is just somebody else’s computer.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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