On Wed, 27 Jun 2018 16:17:55 +0000, Steely.Mark <steely.m...@aaa-texas.com> 

>zFS Thu Jan 26 14:45:58 EST 2017                                               
>Description: SAF CKACC returned error.                                         
>Action: The user did not have the correct permission on the object for the     
>operation requested. Change the permissions on the object or have a user that  
>is authorized execute the operation.                                           

Thanks. Now the next hurdle is to find out what the correct permission is on 
what object and for what operation.

All you software vendors, please, next time you put out an error message, 
include the relevant information: what operation exactly was attempted on which 
object, and what was the expected and the actual obtained result? I mean, when 
you write that IF statement to test that return code, you know what is 
happening (and what is going wrong...), so, please, TELL US.

I'll find out, eventually…


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