Have you tried using Google for it?  See if there is anything already Archived?

Have you tried posting to the DB2-L group and see if they know anything?

To join, if you have not done so, go to idug.org


> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of
> Mark Waterbury
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 10:09 AM
> Subject: Searching for IBM Query By Example (QBE) IUP for VM/370 from mid-
> 1970s
> Hello, all:
> I am searching to see if anyone can find a copy of the IBM Query-By-Example
> product that ran under VM/370 circa the mid-1970s ... it was released as an
> IUP, and was supported directly by IBM personnel working at the IBM Research
> Labs at Yorktown Heights, NY around 1974 or 1975, IIRC.
> Does anyone have an archived copy of that software, or the original
> installation tape (PID tape)?
> Also, does anyone have any of the original IBM manuals for that IUP?  If so,
> I would love to see them scanned into .pdf format for archival at bitsavers,
> etc., or uploaded to the "Files" area of this list.
> Here is info from an old IBM manual that described all of the various IUPs
> etc. that were available:
> ===========================================================QUERY-BY-EXAMPLE
> VM/370 CMS 5796-PKT
> This IUP is a high-level, interactive language facility which provides easy
> access to data by end-users not necessarily skilled in data processing
> techniques. It features a unique, two-dimensional, user interface which is
> simple to use yet powerful and flexible. It can be easily learned in a few
> hours.
> Query- By- Example (QBE) provides a powerful facility for answering complex
> queries which can be expressed by the end-user in familiar terminology and
> logic.
> Operations which can be performed during an interactive session with QBE
> include retrieval, insertion, deletion, update, and creation of data in the
> form of tables. These operations may be performed on entire tables, entire
> rows, entire columns or on one or more individual data elements.
> QBE is designed to operate with the System Extensions program product (5748-
> XE1) or the Basic System Extensions program product (5748-XX8).
> Notice G320-6062,
> SH20-2078. ===========================================================
> Thanks in advance ...
> Mark S. Waterbury

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